Who are ENERGICA partners?
28 partners
15 countries
2 continents

Technische Universität Berlin (TUB) – Germany
The Department of Energy Systems deals with interdisciplinary topics related to renewable energies and its environmental, economic, political and social aspects. In Germany as well as internationally, we are among the distinguished academic institutions with a focus on energy and its interrelatedness with a variety of neighboring research areas.
Apart from research, the department contributes to training of future energy experts with its extensive range of basic as well as advanced level lectures, presentations, excursions and the supervision of student theses.
Website: https://www.tu.berlin/en/
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) – Kenya
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the lead global organization to coordinate environmental matters within the United Nations system. It produces environmental assessments through science, technology and innovation as key enablers to environmental challenges. UNEP provides timely, scientifically credible, policyrelevant environmental data and information for decision-making and action planning for sustainable development and economic growth. It helps countries reduce pollution from land-based activities, increase resilience to climate change and reflect linkages between poverty and the environment in their development planning. In the context of supporting members states, UNEP responds and spearheads UN-wide monitoring and reporting on the environmental dimension of the various global and continental development agendas: Agenda 2030 SDG’s, Paris agreement 2015 on climate action and AU Agenda 2063.
Website: https://www.unep.org/
Universite Abdou Moumouni of Niamey (UAM) – Niger
Universite Abdou Moumouni (UAM) is a non-profit public higher education institution that offers officially recognized higher education degrees such as bachelor, master and doctorate degrees in several areas of study. UAM employs more than 400 lecturers and professors, 419 Administrative and Technical Personals and involves more than 28,000 students. This makes it the largest and most acknowledged University in Niger.
Website: https://www.uam.edu.ne/
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet (NTNU) - Norway
The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) is the largest university in Norway, with 14 faculties and 70 departments and divisions. Currently, NTNU has more than 39 000 students and 4 600 person-years in academic or scientific positions (41% women). The university uses its main scientific profile in technology and the natural sciences and its cross-disciplinary competency to meet global challenges, summarized by its vision: “Knowledge for a better world”. Three out of four Strategic Research Areas at NTNU – Sustainability, Energy and Health – contribute directly to sustainable urbanization, delivering creative innovations with far-reaching social and economic impact in close collaboration with cities, industry, authorities and civil society.
Website: https://www.ntnu.edu/
TRIALOG – France
Trialog is an consulting and engineering company which provides expertise in innovation for cyber-physical and industrial information systems. Our work mainly focus on three domains: Energy (Smart metering, Smart Grids), Transports (e-Mobility, Intelligent Transportation System), and Social & Health (Active Ageing Living)
Website: https://www.trialog.com/en/home/
FINERGREEN (FNG) – Côte d’Ivoire
Founded in 2013, Finergreen is a strategy and financial advisory company with a goal to promote energy transition and sustainable investments. Finergreen has international presence across all continents through its offices in Paris, Abidjan, Nairobi, Singapore, Mexico City, Madridj Budapest and Dubai. Since its establishment, Finergreen has raised more than EUR 2.1 billion in the solar, biomass, hydropower, wind and other energy efficiency sectors. Thanks to a team of more than 50 employees, Finergreen has developed a strong and competent expertise in the renewable energy sector as well as an international network of investors and bankers. We leverage on these assets to provide exemplary services to our clients including projects developers who wish to develop or finance their renewable energy portfolios.
Website: https://finergreen.com/
Hudara (HUD) - Germany
Hudara is a Berlin-based non-governmental, non-profit organization, registered as a charity with the German Tax Authority. We at Hudara aspire to a world in which people experience good mental health and psychosocial well-being, live in thriving and peaceful communities which are in balance with the natural environment. We operate independently and impartially where people’s lives are impacted by poverty, conflict and climate change. We follow a community-based participatory approach. In this we view community members as key actors in developing meaningful approaches to cope with difficulties. Taking a community base perspective means to take actions depending on the community voices, to implement through community structures, to focus on services on the individual, group and policy-making level while building an effective system in which all actions feed into each other.
Website: https://hudara.org/
Energy Generation - France
Energy Generation is a pan-African organization which supports young Africans in addressing the generation’s most challenging issues through entrepreneurship and technology in the energy sector. Based on an integrated model (training, incubation & acceleration, investment), Energy Generation aims to support and promote innovative “made in Africa” hardware solutions that are tailor-made for the continent. Our programs have been specially designed based on MIT’s Design Thinking Approach centered on entrepreneurship in the energy sector. We offer a pre-incubation program that gives students the opportunity to create a minimum viable product (MVP) and the technical support needed to develop a prototype for production. Qualified projects could also receive seed-funding to startup. Our intensive courses and modules are developed in partnership with the Ascencia Business School, a member of College de Paris giving you an internationally recognized diploma and the possibility to further your studies at the College de Paris in France and/or join the corporate world in strategic positions as a business leader or project manager in the renewable energy sector.
Website: https://www.energy-generation.org/
Ecowas Centre For Renewable Energy And Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) – Cabo Verde
ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) was established by the ECOWAS Commission in 2008 during the 61st Session of ECOWAS Council of Ministers. ECREEE is a specialized ECOWAS agency based in Praia, Cabo Verde, with a public mandate to promote renewable energy and energy efficiency markets. It acts as an independent body but within the legal, administrative and financial framework of ECOWAS rules and regulations. The overall mandate of ECREEE is to contribute to the sustainable economic, social and environmental development of West Africa by improving access to modern, reliable and affordable energy services, energy security and reduction of energy related externalities (GHG, local pollution). Since its inception, ECREEE has been working diligently to create favourable conditions for regional RE & EE markets by supporting activities directed to mitigate existing technology, financial, economic, business, legal, policy, institutional, knowledge and capacity related barriers.
Website: http://www.ecreee.org/
Tekniker is a private non-profit research organization founded in 1981 with 284 researchers and a turnover of 26.2M€ in 2018. Besides, Tekniker is a part of the BASQUE RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY ALLIANCE (BRTA, https://www.brta.eus/) that comprises the technological centres of the Basque Country with the objective of bringing resources together in order to reach greater levels of technological-scientific excellence within the Basque System of Innovation. The specific mission of Tekniker is to help the industrial sector to increase its innovative capacity by means of generating and applying technology and knowledge in order to be more competitive. Its expertise covers a wide range of technologies allowing them to provide services to a range of sectors from automotive over aeronautics up to assistive technologies and to develop a good variety of products.
Website: https://www.tekniker.es/en
Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas-Plataforma Solar de Almería (CIEMAT) – Spain
CIEMAT is a Spanish Public Research Institution owned by the Ministry of Science and Innovation. Since its founding in 1951, it has developed and led R+D projects in the fields of Energy, Environment and Technology, placing the institution at the forefront of science and technology. Its activities include the promotion, introduction and improvement of renewable energies on the energy market, as well as promotion of technology transfer, training and scientific outreach. With >1300 employees, 57% graduated, CIEMAT has a wide presence at international scientific and technical forums. In addition to the head offices and laboratories located in Madrid, CIEMAT owns several research centers in Spain.
Plataforma Solar de Almería (PSA) (www.psa.es) is one of these outlying centers located in Southern Spain. It is formally considered as European Large Scientific Installation and it is also the largest R+D center in the World devoted to solar thermal concentrating systems and photochemistry (research, development, and testing). With a large and long-lasting international collaboration with many other R+D centers and industries, their main objectives are the contribution to the establishment of a sustainable and clean world energy supply, as well as the technical and scientific promotion of solar thermal technologies and solar chemical processes.
Website: www.ciemat.es
Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE) - Sweden
RISE is the Swedish Research Institute and innovation partner. In international collaboration with industry, academia and the public sector, we ensure the competitiveness of the business community and contribute to a sustainable society. Our 2,800 employees support and promote all manner of innovative processes. RISE is an independent, state-owned research institute that offers unique expertise and about 100 testbeds and demonstration facilities, instrumental in future-proofing technologies, products and services.
In 2016, the former institutes of Innventia, SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden and Swedish ICT merged to form RISE. During 2018, RISE expanded to include the former institutes Swerea IVF, Swerea SICOMP, Swerea SWECAST and part of Swerea KIMAB.The merged RISE drives advanced research in a broad spectrum of areas that are divided into five divisions. We have a long history of acknowledged high-quality research and conducting assignments in each of these divisions. RISE is a non-profit organisation. The headquarters of RISE are located in Gothenburg, but we have employees all over Sweden.
Website: https://www.ri.se/en
The Waste Transformers (TWT) – The Netherlands
The Waste Transformers are on a mission to revolutionise how we deal with organic waste in a way that is green, clean, entrepreneurial and smart. We allow everyone to create their own energy (in the form of electricity and residual heat) by transforming organic waste on-site, in installations housed in shipping containers, into green energy. No transportation. No CO2. We also recover the water and nutrients in the waste, and give all of these back to the same site. It’s a game-changer that allows markets, hospitals, airports and local communities, to power their future with good energy whilst realising small-scale circular economies around something that would otherwise be wasted.
The Freetown Waste Transformers (FWT) – Sierra Leone
The Freetown Waste Transformers (FWT) is an integrated Waste Management Company with over 10 years of experience in the Waste Management Sector in Freetown. The Company’s vision is to be the leading waste management company in Sierra Leone by delivering reliable and efficient waste management solutions that will contribute to a sustainable environment. With a staff strength of 30 employees (core and contracted) and an experienced Team of sector experts, FWT is strategically placed to work alongside the public sector to deliver sustainable waste management solutions for the city of Freetown and Nationally.
ECOSUN Innovations – France
ECOSUN INNOVATIONS is part of the group ECOSUN EXPERT specialized in the production of electricity. Launched in 2016, the company has a strong experience in the field of renewable energy. Ecosun is specialized in developing several ranges of innovative patented solar mobile power plant able of covering needs in mobility, consumption and electrification of isolated sites. The aim of those solutions is also to reduce carbon footprint.
Website: https://www.ecosuninnovations.com/fr
Arenys Inox - Spain
The Arenys Inox company has more than 20 years of experience in the metallurgy sector developing industrial design of products and their manufacturing. Arenys Inox has two industrial buildings equipped with the most advanced machinery to meet all the needs of its customers. The main clients are from the pharmaceutical, food and lighting industries. Since the beginning of the company, it has worked closely with the Ecosystem company to develop the majority of solar reactors for water or air treatment worldwide. Arenys Inox has indirectly participated in 10 European projects related to photolytic water treatment such as WaterSpout, Solwater and Aquacat. Currently Arenys Inox has absorbed Ecosystem to continue with its work.
Website: http://www.arenysinox.cat/
SADC Centre For Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (SACREEE) – Namibia
The Southern African Development Community (SADC) Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (SACREEE) was established as a subsidiary organization of the SADC Secretariat, by the SADC Ministers responsible for the energy sector in 2015. SACREEE is hosted by the Government of Namibia through its Ministry of Mines and Energy in Windhoek, Namibia. The Centre was established with technical support of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and financial assistance of the Austrian Development Agency (ADA). SACREEE’s mandate is to contribute to the region’s (1) increased access to clean and affordable energy, and (2) increased security of energy supply; through the promotion of market-based adoption of renewable energy and energy efficient technologies and energy services. SACREEE executes its mandate by supporting the region’s sustainable development objectives through resource mobilisation, policy, quality assurance, capacity building and knowledge management, communication, promoting investments in renewable energy, energy efficiency projects and programs. In fulfilment of its mandate and in line with this assignment, SACREEE has already started implementing numerous local capacity building projects, supporting the governments of the SADC region with the development and implementation of standards and policies to facilitate the uptake of energy efficient technologies in the region.
Website: https://www.sacreee.org/
NANOE – Madagascar
Co-founded in 2017 by two engineers from the French Superior School of Electricity (Centrale-Supélec) after almost 10 years experience in energy access and smart energy management systems in Europe and Africa, Nanoé is a Frenchmalagasy social business moved by the conviction that it is possible to integrate energy access and employment creation in Africa through the implementation of a new electrification model based on renewable energies, digital technologies and local entrepreneurship. The ambition of the innovative electrification solution developed by Nanoé, named “lateral electrification”, is to combine and surpass the short-term merits of individual power solutions (i.e. rapid, easy and affordable access to basic energy services) and the long term benefits of centralized grid solutions (i.e. reliable, full and optimized access to modern energy services) by answering un-electrified people urgent needs more efficiently and sustainably than current decentralized power solutions while participating in the progressive bottom-up building of 21st century smart power infrastructures more flexibly than current centralized utility models
Website: https://www.nanoe.net/en/
African Association for Rural Electrification (CLUBER) - Côte d’Ivoire
The African Association for Rural Electrification / CLUB-ER is a bilingual network (English / French) which brings together about forty agencies and structures in charge of rural electrification in thirty-three countries of the continent. These members are Agencies and Rural Electrification Funds, Renewable Energy Agencies, Regulators, Departments in charge of Rural Electrification, National Electricity Companies and any structure whose mission is to promote the Rural Electrification. Any actor (private company, technical and financial partner, association, …) from all horizons, interested in the issues of Rural Electrification on the African continent and ready to share his experience with CLUB-ER members can apply for membership as Associate Members. By pooling know-how and feedback from its members, the CLUB-ER aims at strengthening the capacities of African institutions of Rural Electrification and finding appropriate solutions to this problem.
Website: https://www.club-er.org/home.html
Eastern Africa Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (EACREEE) – Kenya
The East African Centre of Excellence for Renewable Energy and Efficiency (EACREEE) has been established to play a key role in promoting renewable energies (RE) and energy efficiency (EE) in the East African Community (EAC) region. EACREEE was officially launched in 2016 following the request by the East African Community (EAC) Secretariat and with support of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), to create a Centre of Excellence in the region in 2013 and following the refinement of EACREEE´s strategy in 2014 and 2015. At their 33rd Meeting held on 29 February 2016, the EAC Council of Ministers designated Makerere University College of Engineering, Design, Art, and Technology (CEDAT) as a Centre of Excellence for EACREEE. The Centre is registered with the legal name “East African Centre of Excellence for Renewable Energy and Efficiency Ltd” (EACREEE) – as a non-for-profit company limited by guarantee under the Ugandan Law. EACREEE receives key technical support from the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) and financial assistance from the Austrian Development Agency (ADA). The Centre is hosted by the Government of Uganda, at the Makerere University in Kampala. EACREEE is a member of the Global Network of Regional Sustainable Energy Centres (GN-SEC).
Website: https://www.eacreee.org/
Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC) – Kenya
Kenya Power hereinafter referred to as KPLC is the largest distributor and supplier of electricity in Kenya. KPLC also owns and operates power generation facilities in remote parts of Kenya not presently within reach of the national grid. KPLC and its predecessor companies have a long history of accomplishments in East Africa dating back to 1908. KPLC, a publicly traded company was incorporated on in 1922, as East Africa Power & Lighting Company and became the Kenya Power and Lighting Company in 1983. In 1997, publically owned generation was separated from KPLC and in 1998 became the responsibility of KenGen. Refer to Appendix for registration documents.
Website: https://www.kplc.co.ke/
Odit-e – France
Odit-e develops disruptive analytics and software dedicated to low voltage network planning, operation, asset management and maintenance. Odit-e is a young and innovative start-up aiming to provide a service offer dedicated to Distribution System Operators who must face energy transition challenges. Odit-e has the ambition to digitize the low voltage grid with a very innovative approach based on machine learning, using data collected by smart meters. This low voltage digitization offer enables the DSO to perform asset management, low voltage state estimation and impact prediction of renewables and electric vehicles. Moreover Odit-e enable the DSO to reduce the distribution grid technical and non-technical losses, and optimize investments required for energy transition.
Website: https://odit-e.com/en/
Hive Power (HIVE) – Switzerland
Hive Power provides a Software as a Service for Smart Grids Analytics, to help Energy Suppliers and Grid Operators improving their operation, through optimal asset management.
Website: https://hivepower.tech/
OPIBUS – Sweden
Opibus is involved with electric mobility solutions and energy systems for the African region. This includes development, manufacturing and implementation of electric vehicle drive trains for use in conventional ICE vehicle chassis of all sizes, electric motorcycles, renewable energy components and charging infrastructure. Opibus has a physical presence in Stockholm, Sweden and Embakasi, Nairobi with 70+ employees, most of which are from East or Sub-Saharan Africa. The organization has shown strong track record and product deployment capabilities and is identified as one of the leaders in local implementation of e-mobility solutions in East Africa
Website: https://www.opibus.se/
STIMA – France
STIMA is a French start-up targeting electric mobility deployment in Africa and in particular battery charging services. The company develops management software for battery swapping stations in which moto-taxis drivers can exchange empty batteries for full ones in less than a minute. Thanks to a dense network of such charging service infrastructure, drivers will have access to e-motorcycles with unlimited range in cities. STIMA specifically focuses on the development, operation and optimization of the swapping stations software, while collaborating with partners developing tailored motorcycles for African roads, swapping stations hardware as well as lease-to-own models to facilitate access to motorcycle ownership. STIMA leverages the potential of ICT technologies as well as its inhouse expertise in batteries to achieve high effectiveness and scalability of the system, using station remote cloud monitoring, AI-based battery fleet management and charge process optimization.
Website: https://stimaboda.com/
UNTPD is a for-profit organization that is seeking to bridge the missing middle financing gap by funding revenue generating assets for individuals and SMEs, making it possible for local entrepreneurs to start and run successful businesses. UNTPD provides financing for businesses at all stages and in all sectors. It was first established as a spin-out of dlo Haiti, a social enterprise leveraging a network of local entrepreneurs to deliver clean water to Haitians since 2012, in 2019 in Nairobi, Kenya. UNTPD was created to provide the technological and financial support that SMEs needed to help them grow and scale their enterprises. While UNTPD initially started out in the water sector, just like its parent company dlo Haiti, providing lease financing to local vendors to acquire smart water technologies to run successful water businesses; the intention was always to provide this support in all sectors. Through the UNTPD Mobility Financing department, UNTPD is keen to provide the financing needed to accelerate the uptake of e-motorbikes by local entrepreneurs and in turn, actively participate in the global fight to reduce carbon emissions.
Website: https://untapped-global.com/
Jokosun – France
Jokosun is an organisation based in France and Senegal specialised is the implementation of 4 sets/sizes of PAYG-ready devices covering 4 purposes: Basic, Home, Pro, Modern. Products size can be custom made as they use a modular design principle. Jokosun’s main activities include measures to promote last-mile access to energy, contribution to sustainable growth in Africa and to developing positive economics in Africa. The on-the-ground activities of Jokosun in rural Senegal enhance the energy transition and uptake of renewable energy technologies in these approaches.
Website: https://www.jokosun.solutions/
Euroquality – France
Established in 1997, Euroquality is a service provider specialised in innovation consulting and project management. Its main activities are innovation consulting, economic studies, policy evaluation, technological and technical studies, development of communication material, training, and the management of national and European projects. For 20 years, Euroquality has been able to adapt the different technological mutations and always be at the top of the state of the art, advising international clients on the development of their innovations. Euroquality has also been involved as a partner in a large number of projects on FP6, FP7, H2020, LIFE +, LIFE, Leonardo and Erasmus+ programmes, bringing its knowledge on several technical topics and its strong expertise on the management of EU projects and rules. This expertise is considered essential by most coordinator of projects EQY has worked with, as it helps ensuring the right implementation of the project in due time and by respecting the rules, using already approved methodologies and tools.
Website: www.euroquality.fr